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Cover of the Week: Past Perfect Life

Cover of the Week: Past Perfect Life

In our weekly series, we pay homage to the absolutely stunning covers gracing book shelves today.

Past Perfect Life
by Elizabeth Eulberg

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About the Book

Release Date: July 9, 2019
Page Count: 336
Description from Goodreads:

Small-town Wisconsin high school senior Allison Smith loves her life the way it is-spending quality time with her widowed father and her tight-knit circle of friends, including best friend Marian and maybe-more-than-friends Neil. Sure she is stressed out about college applications . . . who wouldn't be? In a few short months, everything's going to change, big time.

But when Ally files her applications, they send up a red flag . . . because she's not Allison Smith. And Ally's-make that Amanda's-ordinary life is suddenly blown apart. Was everything before a lie? Who will she be after? And what will she do as now comes crashing down around her?

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