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Cover of the Week: Sword and Pen

Cover of the Week: Sword and Pen

In our weekly series, we pay homage to the absolutely stunning covers gracing book shelves today.

Sword and Pen (The Great Library #5)
by Rachel Caine

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About the Book

Release Date: September 3, 2019
Page Count: 368
Description from Goodreads:

With the future of the Great Library in doubt, the unforgettable characters from Ink and Bone must decide if it's worth saving in this thrilling adventure in the New York Times bestselling series.

The corrupt leadership of the Great Library has fallen. But with the Archivist plotting his return to power, and the Library under siege from outside empires and kingdoms, its future is uncertain. Jess Brightwell and his friends must come together as never before, to forge a new future for the Great Library . . . or see everything it stood for crumble.

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