All tagged Folklore

Book Review: Stardust

Tristran’s crossing from Wall to Faerie is reminiscent of Alice crossing into Wonderland, Harry Potter into Diagon Alley, Lucy Pevensie into Narnia. At least, I assume so, having read only one of those three. You get what I mean, though—there’s that magical feeling of crossing a threshold into a new world where anything is possible. And as such, we’re greeted by talking animal guardians and a dangerous forest.

Book Review: Bone Crier's Moon

Meanwhile, Ailesse is also trying to murder Sebastian because that’s how being a Bone Crier works and this book is all murder, all the time. The fact that Ailesse doesn’t get why Sebastian doesn’t want to be murdered defies belief. Girl, would you be down if the roles were reversed? It’s like she expects him to just stand still real quick while she stabs him. She’s just trying to gain her mom’s approval, after all.