All tagged Women's Lit

Book Review: The Witches of Moonshyne Manor

The Witches of Moonshyne Manor is a fun and engaging read, perfect for fans of the movie Hocus Pocus. The chapters read quickly, the stakes are high, and the characters are supremely lovable. Best of all, Bianca Marais crafts the plot to explore important and topical themes that kick this novel up several notches.

Book Review: Joan is Okay

This book is an exploration of identity, culture, family dynamics, and gender stereotypes. I’ve learned a lot about Chinese culture, discrimination against Asians in the US past and present, and the sense of othering Joan constantly experiences as someone born American and whose outward appearance mean people identify her as Asian first.

Book Review: The Love Hypothesis

This book was majorly hyped across bookblr, bookstagram, and the blogging nation—and for good reason! The Love Hypothesis delivers a steamy romance with humor and fun takes on well-loved tropes. It induces stomach butterflies and goofy grins and subconscious toe-curling. It’s also the first book in a long time that caused me to stay up past my bedtime on a week night (for a woman who prizes her eight hours of sleep, this is a big deal!).

Book Review: Life, Unscheduled

There’s a lot I like about this book simply due to the general accuracy of what it’s like being a UX designer. I’ve never seen my job represented in fiction like this. However, it’s also a very stressful read. I read it in two days back to back and it felt just like being at work on a really bad day.

Book Review: The Flatshare

I wish I had a physical copy of this book so I could give it a hug. The Flatshare is so freaking cute. The slow burn romance! The British quaintness! The loyal friendships! The unpacking of emotional trauma and steady healing! Okay, one of these things is not like the other but they’re all in the story and make this such an amazing read.