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Cover of the Week: Rage

Cover of the Week: Rage

In our weekly series, we pay homage to the absolutely stunning covers gracing book shelves today.

Rage (Stormheart #2)
by Cora Carmack


About the Book

Release Date: August 27, 2019
Page Count: 352
Description from Goodreads:

Princess or adventurer.

Duty or freedom.

Her Kingdom or the Stormhunter she loves.

If Aurora knows anything, it's that choices have consequences. To set things right, she joins a growing revolution on the streets of Pavan.

In disguise as the rebel Roar, she puts her knowledge of the palace to use to aid the rebellion. But the Rage season is at its peak and not a day passes without the skies raining down destruction. Yet these storms are different—they churn with darkness, and attack with a will that’s desperate and violent.

This feels like more than rage.

It feels like war.

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