All in Food & Drink

Cafe Review: Jitters Cafe

You know, I’ve always been the type of person who opts for a few really close, loyal friends instead of a deep bench of casual acquaintances. If you make the cut, congratulations, I did not make the decision lightly. Similarly, I have a handful of restaurants from which I never deviate, and I usually order the same thing at each place. Not to brag, but I currently have a breakfast place where I can just order “the usual” and they know what I mean. If I didn’t giggle each time after I said it, it would come across as pretty cool. However, when it comes to coffee (something I rank way higher than both human interaction and food), I’m the town Casanova, ping-ponging  from cafe to cafe, drink to drink… racking up a concerning number of meaningless encounters in my daily quest to not get a headache due to lack of caffeine. 

Cafe Review: Render Coffee

Located just a few steps away from my morning subway stop, I initially believed Render Coffee would be nothing more than a cafe of convenience for me - a fair-weather friend I’d visit from time to time when I desired a little treat before work. Relationships are complicated, however, and before I knew it Render Coffee became one of the most important aspects of my life.